CEA Releases 2022 - 2027 Strategic Plan

SACRAMENTO, California, May 3, 2022 - The purpose of this Strategic Plan is to refocus the Alliance into a more aligned, relevant coalition as it grows in the coming years. Through the development of this Plan, CEA set out to refresh and strengthen its Vision and Mission and identify the key activities to improve California’s energy future.

This Plan highlights CEA’s revised Vision & Mission statements, core values, current and future initiatives, key performance indicators, and work plans that will drive the Alliance towards its Vision over the next (6) years.

Read the Strategic Plan Two-Pager.

About CEA
Founded in 2016, CEA is a nonprofit, non-partisan alliance of business, government, environmental and NGO leaders advocating for energy productivity to achieve economic growth, environmental justice, energy security, affordability, and resilience. CEA’s work focuses on advocacy, outreach, and evolution of codes, standards, and policy.

For information on CEA membership, initiatives, and history, contact josh.dean@caenergyalliance.org.


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